Deena Bsingh - food historian

Welcome to The Hungry Food Historian! I’m thrilled to share the fascinating world of food history and its captivating stories. I am Deena Bsingh. Hailing from Mauritius, a cultural melting pot, I’ve been captivated by the origins and diversity of our local cuisine. This has kindled my lifelong love affair with food and its historical significance.

The inspiration

Combining my deep-rooted connection to my grandmother’s cooking and her flourishing garden, I embarked on a culinary journey that led me to uncover the rich culinary traditions associated with mythology. Exploring the mythical meals savored by ancient gods and goddesses, as well as the tantalizing dishes enjoyed by mythical creatures, has become a captivating pursuit.

The Hungry Historian Mission

Through “The Hungry Historian,” my mission is to ignite your curiosity about food history and introduce you to new culinary experiences. Immerse yourself in diverse cultures and time periods, embracing the richness and diversity of global cuisine. By delving into the historical context and significance of dishes, I aim to inspire you to embark on your own gastronomic adventures and savor the depths of flavors that await.


Drawing upon my classical studies background, I seamlessly intertwine the mythical tales I’ve encountered with the origins of contemporary foods. This unique perspective connects the past with the present, weaving cultural threads that shape our culinary landscape.

As a food historian, I find immense joy in sharing the knowledge I’ve acquired, revealing the hidden stories behind the meals we savor. By understanding the history of food, we foster appreciation for cultural diversity and encourage exploration beyond our comfort zones. Let’s come together, embracing new cuisines, expanding our palates, and celebrating the global tapestry of flavors.

Engagement and collaboration are at the core of “The Hungry Historian.” I invite you to join the conversation, sharing your thoughts and contributing to our collective exploration of food history. Together, we unravel mysteries, debunk myths, and savor delightful narratives on this flavorful journey.

Thank you for embarking on this exciting adventure as a food historian. Stay hungry, stay curious, and let’s uncover the hidden gems of food history together! Learn more about The Hungry Historian or my other blogs.

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